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mind & body

You're a goddess with hidden strength and immense potential.
Dear Friend, Oh, how I've missed our Monday coffee and croissant meetups. It's been far too long since we last sat down for a glass of wine and a plate of pasta. I understand that you've said no to my last few invites because you're off pasta now, and to that I say, "Oh HONEY! I'm so sorry!" I re...
It's high time we put down our readers and put on our perspectacles, Plums.  Because there are so few TV shows and movies focusing on actual aging women rather than Housewives Franchises, we've got some goofy ideas about what “aging” even looks like. I was shocked to look up the ages of the Golde...
I remember the shock I felt when I discovered I was pregnant. Though I had always wanted to be a mom, my favorite scientific journal, “Oprah Magazine,” had told me that when you go off the pill, you should be able to get pregnant within a year. My last pill was a week before my wedding, and I got...
Pregnant or Perimenopause?

Pregnant or Perimenopause?

It begins with an odd juxtaposition. I'm at the drugstore picking up a pregnancy test, but thanks to my elderly eyeballs I can’t read the package. So there I stood with a potentially fecund uterus and with certainly past-their-prime optic lenses. Hmm, is this perimenopause?  There had certainly b...